Longwood Primary School


We consider ourselves one large family at Longwood Primary School, and we take great pride in forming positive relationships. We look out for each other and treat each other with kindness and respect.

Each child is considered as both a unique individual and an integral part of the school community. Their wellbeing, engagement and self-expression is highly important. We emphasise individuality, creative and critical thinking, and social inclusion. We encourage effort, thoughtfulness and compassion in everything we do. 

We know a nourished, well-fed child is best placed for maximum learning, so staff and students eat lunch together every day. We also run a breakfast program from 8.30am each Wednesday morning. 

At Longwood we have access to all student services from speech therapists to social workers. We employ a school chaplain, Dan Capobianco, to work three days a week with children in need. Dan runs hands-on activities, giving children the space to talk while improving school grounds and pride. Our students have constructed chook sheds, garden beds and a greenhouse to allow them to have produce to run a stall at the local community market. 

Longwood Primary School is committed to the implementation of Child Safe Standards to promote the safety and wellbeing of all young people.