Longwood Primary School

School Council

The School Council consists of parents, teachers and members of the community. As the official management body of the school, it is responsible for reviewing educational policies, maintaining facilities and grounds, overseeing financial operations and ensuring a quality education for all our students. 

Details of School Council elections are sent out in February. The School Council convenes twice a term. All parents and staff are welcome to attend meetings, but only elected members may vote. 

President                               Carl Norton

Parent Members                  Josh Cronin

                                                  Melisa Baker                           

                                                  Janelle Pitts 

                                                  Jayme Sexton

                                                  Alex Tsymbalov
                                                  Charlotte Langman


Community Members         Anne Murray

DET Representatives           Yvonne Huggins
                                                  Travis Stefanos
                                                  Erin Trembath